Before you can compete effectively in Google Maps, it’s essential to have a verified Google My Business (GBP) listing for your business.

Business Profiles often appear among the top results for local searches, offering a snapshot of your business that includes its address, hours of operation, reviews, and a click-to-call button. If you prefer clients to book appointments, you can include links to your website and a calendar. Restaurants can also add links to their menus.

The success of your Google Business listing hinges on having an accurate, complete, and helpful profile. Inaccurate or incomplete information can negatively impact your business’s visibility in search results.

Google continues to update the way new businesses can get verified. The most common ways are:

  1. Verify your business listing via video.
  2. Verify your listing through a postcard in the mail.
  3. Verify your listing through a call or text message.

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